Pain and Medicinal Cannabis

Feb 1, 2019

Pain is the body’s way of telling us something is wrong. We all feel pain. Many of us live with constant pain. Even though pain is one of the most basic functions of the body, it’s a process that’s not completely understood. In fact, in many cases, pinpointing exactly why pain is felt is extremely difficult or even impossible. There are countless forms of pain, and science has been unable to produce an effective treatment for all. Even worse, some pain treatments have extensive secondary effects that can be harmful or debilitating.

The pain-relieving properties of medicinal cannabis have well been known for centuries. Cultures and societies around the world have used this plant and its extracts as a framework for treating all kinds of pain, from immediate to chronic pain. Medicinal cannabis has been an integral part of humanity’s pain management arsenal since prehistoric times.

This ancestral knowledge has been corroborated by modern scientific studies. The peripheral nerves that detect pain contain cannabinoid receptors. Studies have shown that cannabinoids block pain.

There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence about the effectiveness of medicinal cannabis in pain management. Any cursory search on a search engine with key terms such as “pain management” and “medicinal cannabis” will yield hundreds of case studies of individuals that confirm that a better quality of life can be achieved with the help of medicinal cannabis.

One of the advantages of medicinal cannabis is that, according to studies, it can be used as a treatment to manage different kinds of pain. Studies show that medicinal cannabis can be used as a treatment option for chronic pain, neuropathic pain and pain caused by multiple sclerosis spasticity, among others.

Medicinal cannabis also offers patients other benefits beyond being able to effectively manage different kinds of pain. It also has less severe side effects than many traditional pain management treatments. This means that medicinal cannabis can help bring the gift of a better quality of life for patients.