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About Medicinal Cannabis
in Puerto Rico

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patient license

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About Us
Anani Medical Pharmaceutical is a Puerto Rican company dedicated to the cultivation and manufacture of medical cannabis. Anani offers a wide variety of products, including cannabis oil, extracts, and infusions, among others.
All of Anani’s products are manufactured with the latest technology, as well as top of the line processes that ensure compliance with the highest quality standards. Our goal is to offer all medical cannabis patients in Puerto Rico the best product in the market.

Latest Products

King Louis XIII
THC: 87.15%

Blue Dream
THC: 87.19%

Banana Kush
THC: 86.72%

Pain and Medicinal Cannabis
Pain is the body’s way of telling us something is wrong. We all feel pain. Many of us live with constant pain. Even though pain is one of the most basic functions of the body, it’s a process that’s not completely understood. In fact, in many cases, pinpointing exactly...
Seniors and medicinal cannabis
According to a recent study, seniors are reaping the benefits of using medicinal cannabis as part of their pain management plan. The results of this study reflect that medicinal cannabis can be an effective method of managing pain, as well as helping patients reduce...
Four Unexpected Benefits of Medicinal Cannabis
Cannabis has been well known throughout history for its many uses. Did you know that, even today, we are discovering additional benefits of medicinal cannabis? Below you can find some of the lesser known benefits of this plan. Weight Loss One of the most known uses of...
What medical conditions can be treated with medicinal cannabis?
According to several studies and expert opinions, medicinal cannabis can be used to help tread a variety of conditions. The list is extensive. Medicinal cannabis can be used to manage pain, help patients regain their appetite and reduce anxiety, amongst other...
How to apply for a medical cannabis patient identification
You don’t have to live with constant pain or struggling with chronic illnesses. A cannabis patient identification card can offer you a chance for a new life. The Puerto Rico Health Department’s Medicinal Cannabis guidelines make it legal for patients of...